Assessment Results: Your Lowest Category is Communicate

How Systematic Is Your Approach to Company Culture?

Based on your assessment, it appears you need the most help communicating your culture throughout your organization. Chapter 9 of Culture by Design will be of particular importance to you at this stage in your culture’s development.

As simple as it may sound, the more people see and hear about your culture, the more they think about it, and the more it becomes part of their everyday experience. Visual reminders are particularly important here. 

While we’ve all seen examples of companies that post inspirational quotes or images or clichéd sayings on their walls that seem to bear little resemblance to their organizations’ real culture, this is not a condemnation of posters. It’s a condemnation of the lack of authenticity. If our culture is authentic, the more we see images and reminders of it all around us, the better. You might think of it simply as internal advertising. 

Here are a few ideas to get your wheels turning as you think about how you can better communicate your culture:

  • Posters
  • Electronic display boards
  • Website
  • Screensavers
  • Wallet cards
  • Flip books
  • Email signatures

For more ideas on how to communicate your culture more pervasively, check out Chapter 9 of Culture by Design. You can take a free peek inside the book here. You can also purchase your copy today on Amazon. If you’d like to explore how my team can be of further help, reach out today.

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